How to study for your exams?

Hey there! Are you getting tensed? 😖 Umm… a lil’ bit worried… Thinking how to excel in your examinations? 😵 If you feel any of the above-mentioned things then forget everything because you are at the right place! Here you’ll find out how to study for your examinations whether it be half-yearly, annuals or even … Continue reading How to study for your exams?

Was the government’s decision, to ban the slaughtering of cows, right?

I don't know if you are aware of this or not, that there is The Cow Slaughter Act written in our Constitution, according to which the slaughtering of cows is illegal! I think that the Yogi Government took the right and bold decision to stop the butchering of the cows because until today no one … Continue reading Was the government’s decision, to ban the slaughtering of cows, right?

Happy Father’s Day 👨‍👧‍👦

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers in this world . You must have seen a Neem Tree and must be knowing that it has bitter leaves but it provides us shelter from the oppressive weather. Our father is just like that although he is tough from outside but he is always there for us, … Continue reading Happy Father’s Day 👨‍👧‍👦


"Modi…Modi……… Modi…Modi……" This is all I can hear today! Wherever I go, whenever I go, these are the words on everybody's mouth. Well! It was quite obvious that whatever happens- MODI WILL WIN. What did they not do to suppress him? Opposition parties did everything they can to suppress Modi, but I think or maybe … Continue reading ABKI BAAR PHIR MODI SARKAR 🙏


I was kinda nervous for this day, but at the same time waiting for this day to come fast! I did not even know that this day will turn out to be a surprising day for me…!🤪 The day of which I am talking is THE DAY WHEN MY RESULT GOT DECLARED. Oh my God! … Continue reading A SURPRISING DAY!😱

Here’s to my Mom: Happy Mother’s Day💝

A mother is the most important individual in one's life. She is the one who is always there for you. She is the one with whom you can share all your feelings. She is the one who taught you, to be what you are today. She is the one who understands you even more than … Continue reading Here’s to my Mom: Happy Mother’s Day💝


"Life is a race" In really simple words we would say that. I mean you won a race before you were even born! Your life started as a race…umm… probably end up as a race too. Let me start with a simple, small example to explain what do I mean here by saying 'Race'. Let's … Continue reading LIFE GOES ON…


Today, lets turn the pages of our history and know about our freedom fighters. Our INDEPENDENCE was hard fought. There was lot of blood spilled. Britishers ruled over India for about 200 years. But then, there are heroes, aren't there? Yes, of course, heroes are always there. They are the ones who stand up and … Continue reading FREEDOM FIGHTERS