Your ‘dreams’ deserve this!

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If you expect to achieve your goals, if you expect to reach your potential, if you expect to have your dreams come true, What I am about to explain to you is that you must become a master at visualization! Visualization is an extraordinarily powerful skill. You may have heard of the Law of Attraction, you may have heard of the word visualization, you may have heard of the word manifesting, I call it seeing signs. Now I want to ask a question here. Have you ever noticed that when some event that happened with you, you observed that this has happened before. You start to think that “has this happened before?” Did this ever happen with you? This is the power of visualization. If you noticed this then you must, in your dreams or daydreams have created a picture of that event and when that actually happens to you, you think oh I have experienced this before. 

This is what happens when you learn to visualize. So today I want to give you a visualization exercise. Go home and write all your goals for 2020. So here’s how you are gonna do it based on science because there’s a particular way how you are gonna do this. If your goal is to improve your self-worth, improve your business status, become an elite student, become the best employee, build a better physique or become the best leader. I want you to close your eyes and visualize how you are gonna feel like when your self-worth has improved. I want you to have a specific picture in your mind of what it looks like when you have become the best employee, best student, best pianist, best speaker whatever you wanted to. Everybody is praising you, appreciating you. You are seeing yourself speaking up at business, impressing your boss. You are seeing yourself going to the gym or studying hard for your exams, whatever. And this is step 2, where you are going to think of the positive emotions like- I’m feeling proud of myself, I’m feeling overly happy, more confident, more grateful, more blessed.

When you do this you are actually feeling your visualizations. See feelings are emotions, emotions are energy and energy is magnetic. So when you do this you actually start to boost your actions and manifest these goals in your life.

So, I hope that you all are going to use these techniques to actually improve your life and live the way you always wanted.

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