I was kinda nervous for this day, but at the same time waiting for this day to come fast! I did not even know that this day will turn out to be a surprising day for me…!🤪

The day of which I am talking is THE DAY WHEN MY RESULT GOT DECLARED. Oh my God! A week ago, the Council had declared that my Class Xth result will be declared on 7th May. I was getting very eager to know my scores. Somehow, the days were passing by and the RESULT DAY was slowly… slowly creeping towards me to scare the hell out of me!

My mother was like – “Beta, its just 6 days for your results to get declared”. Then on the same day, again – “Beta, 6 days…”. Again, on the same day – “Beta!…”.🤦‍♀️  I know how I survived that whole week with that “alarm”!

Before the examinations, when I calculated my percentage, it came out to be 88%… you know, just the guessing work!

A day before the RESULT DAY, we all were having breakfast and discussing about the result, when Papa decided the “criteria” for my gift… which were

If I get 95% or above, I will get a new cycle.🤩

If I get 90% or above, we will go out for dinner.🥰

And If I get below 90%, I will make TEA for them!😅😵

Well, TODAY, was the day when my result was to be declared at 3pm. Neither I nor my parents were getting nervous, we were just passing the day! Now, it was 3 o’clock and the results were declared and what was I doing? Ha-ha!😂 I was having lunch! I didn’t want to hurry up. Mom was like – “What are you doing!😡 Come on… open the site”. Didi was all – “Give me your UID… you eat your lunch… let me see it first… I won’t tell you.” I was like— “Whoa! Calm down… let me have my lunch, I will see my result myself… I won’t give you my UID”

I wanted to see my RESULT on the big screen so at about 3:30 I opened my mobile hotspot, connected it with the laptop, which I mirrored on the T.V.…… Got a bit nervous and opened up my result.

We all were sitting in the bedroom and there came the result on the T.V., the big screen! We all saw it at once. I started from the top and got upset while everyone else saw it from the last and were shocked. This is what came up!


I was so upset that I did not even see the numbers below ENGLISH. Mommy was so shocked, excited, happy that she almost kinda jumped while sitting. I was like why are you so happy I did not get good marks! She said— “Haven’t you looked below? See, all I can see is 99 and 100!!”. “Seems like I forgot to see below!😅”- I replied.

Well, I was not hoping these figures but somewhere deep down I knew that this is what gonna appear. Everyone congratulated me, hugged me and were really happy.😀 Papa knew that I was capable of getting these marks, not even this… but even more. His words were—” I am happy for you but it is just the beginning, still you have to achieve a lot more and when you will achieve that, then that will be the day when I will be really happy.” I am so blessed to have a father like him, he always motivates me and never stops me from doing anything. I won’t let him down.

So yeah, I got 97.4% in Xth boards and hoping for 100% in XIIth. Fingers crossed.

A normal day came out to be a surprising day for me!

2 thoughts on “A SURPRISING DAY!😱

  1. Good luck , Same happens with Modi on 23 rd may , But i think if u are in right direction and work hard then god and luck works in favor, Keep it up .

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